On March 9, we finished our third Kenyan training in a small village with a wonderful class of 19 Presbyterian and 4 Pentecostal pastors & leaders (pictured above). It was an amazing blessing to see the love and unity that studying God’s word together can bring. I was deeply blessed.
We then continued on to our final Kenyan training. We are in the middle of an independent group of churches that has very little to do with Truth – we have been praying since the bishop of this group of churches came to our training last year and God worked on him. I have been discouraged with the overwhelming amount of heresy that is being done in the name of our merciful Savior.
Our teams, both American and African, have been overwhelmed and discouraged because of all the heresy washing through Africa like a tidal wave. I was beginning to question what good any of this is – can anything change?
Over the past three days, God has worked so much in the hearts of these people.
They have wept over their heresy.
This morning, one of our team members led in worship and it was beautiful worship from the heart of these people. At the end, he began to pray and as he prayed a cry came from deep in his soul that God would forgive us – that He would come and reveal Himself and His Truth. Over and over, for 10 minutes, a cry rang through the people and throughout the room. “God have mercy on us! Oh please heal us and show us who You are! We need to know you God! We don’t know You! Please God, please, show us Your Truth!” I wept as they all wept before God.
I have never heard a cry to God like that – anywhere.
I sat there and knew, it is worth it. Every penny, every hardship, it is worth it. What we do matters! He is gathering His repentant remnant who hungers for Truth and hungers for Him!
As our time in Kenya comes to a close, we look forward to the next leg of our trip. In a few days I will be flying to India with George, a lead trainer from our Kenyan team, to begin trainings. Please continue to pray for us!