Tobias Abuchan serves as a Division Director for Ancient Promise International in South Sudan and Uganda. His family was displaced from their home and church in South Sudan and were forced to flee to the refugee camps in Uganda. He has three main areas of focus.
One of his focuses is to start churches in the refugee camps. A second focus is to reach the lost young men who were recruited in the war and have no families or education. He desires to train them in a skill so they can function in society and bring them to Christ. Finally, he also reaches out to the completely unreached tribes that are in South Sudan. He has taken the Gospel to some of these tribes and has a desire to establish a training center that will help both the lost boys and these tribal leaders in South Sudan to know God as Savior and Lord and to serve Him.
Please pray for Tobias and his family. He and his wife Florence have six children. They have little livelihood and a great call of God on their lives. Pray also for the training center he hopes to open in South Sudan.