God’s Truth Changing Lives

A note from our team in Kenya…

We have completed day one of the training and God is working in a mighty way. Zac’s teaching this morning was great (pictured above). Afterwards, a pastor came up to him and told him that Zac’s teaching had changed him and his life. Praise the Lord!

Paul and George are doing an amazing job teaching. They are able to lead in a mighty way. Please pray for them to have the needed energy to continue because they have worked tirelessly for many days to prepare. 

This training has 50 students, the most that the Kenyan team  has ever had in one training. Please pray that these students learn and grow and the enemy doesn’t keep them from returning.

There are at least 8 individuals here who have returned after our last API training and are now junior assistants at this training. These individuals have been on fire for the Word of God and God’s truth. Many of them are from heretical churches! Please continue to pray for the growth of these individuals and their commitment to God and His truth. 

Finally, our cook Veronica (pictured above with Michelle) is here working and helping from morning until night to make this training as successful as possible. She works hard to keep costs down and provides for our needs. Please pray for her as she assists in the ministry!

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