God’s Direction for API India

We are in India in a remote mountaintop retreat place. It is about 6 hours north of Chennai. It is higher in elevation here so the heat is not as extreme. We are here for 5 days teaching a group of about 30 pastors how to study the Bible. It has been difficult to adjust to the different culture and expectations. But God seems to be working as is always the case. 

Please pray for God to bring His truth to the hearts of the staff of this place. They are Hindu and are asking many questions. They listen to all of the teachings and asked us if they could have the AP books in the Tamil language so they can understand. I told them we would get them Bibles in Tamil so they can understand. They are listening to every word every chance they get. I believe God wants to rescue them from the darkness!

India is a very different lifestyle than Africa. George, our African team member, is struggling a little making the needed adjustments. It doesn’t help that he got food poisoning from some bad fish that he ate. No one else ate the fish so Tina, Sam, and I (Robbie) are ok. George is currently in the hospital, so please pray for him! We will keep you informed on his health and possible opportunities to give towards his hospital bills. 

We had a few days of needed rest before coming up here and we will finish on Friday night and head back to Chennai to go to places in the North. God is forming in us His plan for Ancient Promise International in India. Please continue to pray as God continues to direct us in the way He wants us to go.

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