API – A Small Part of God’s Work in South Sudan

It has been a wonderful week – we have watched this group of different tribes and denominations come together to learn about their God, the Great Physician. He has been healing souls here in this war-torn land. 

Curt and Cary have taught so well and touched the lives of the people. The team has worked hard in some very difficult conditions and the students have been faithful.

We began with 107 students, and we will be giving out 107 certificates. This has never happened before.The students have endured much – pouring down rain, living in tents, sharing one common bathroom (outhouse) at the end of the compound. There is no running water and much of the time there is no power as there is only a generator. They are spiritually hungry – there has not been a training of this kind in this part of the country bringing pastors together from different tribes and denominations – ever. Tobias and Moses have worked hard to tear down the walls of vengeance and wounding. We have the blessing of the local chief, and a person from the state parliament spoke at the opening ceremony. The many soldiers along the road are friendly and kind because God has given us favor through the work of Tobias and Moses. 

Something is happening here – many of you have been praying and God is answering. The plans for the future are starting to be put into place. The Ancient Promise Training Center that Tobias has been working to develop is halfway finished. Pray that God will bring us the funds to finish the building. Tobias is working toward a self-sustaining facility. He and his team have made the bricks manually. So much work has been done and the vision is grand – the vision is God’s. The most humbling part is that God is allowing API to be a small part of this amazing thing He is doing. 

Thank you to all who have been supporting this work. We cannot thank you enough. Continue to pray for South Sudan as plans for follow up training have already been put into motion.

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